Technical Data

Product: Iron Bis Glycinate

Sr. No. Test Parameters Specifications
1. Description Free flowing, light to Dark Greenish Powder, with Occasional Friable Lumps, very Hygroscopic
2. Solubility Soluble in Water
3. Identification Positive for Iron & Glycine
4. pH (of 3% Aqueous Suspension) 2.50 – 5.00
5. Heavy Metals (as Lead) NMT 10 ppm
6. Arsenic NMT 3 ppm
7. Nitrogen Content (QDB) NMT 8.00% w/w
8. Loss on Drying (at 105°C till constant weight) NMT 6.0% w/w
9. Iron Content (On Dried Basis) 19.0% w/w- 21.0% w/w
10. Total Microbial Count NMT 3000 cfu/gm
11. Total Yeasts & Mould Count NMT 300 cfu/gm
12. E. Coli Absent/gm
13. Salmonella Absent/ 10gm